2012 Entry Form]
Runner Information]
Course Map]                  [2011 Race]                   [2010 Race]                    [2009 Race]
[2008 Race]
2007 Race]
2006 Race]
[2005 Race]
3.1 Mile Run/Walk]
10.8 Mile Results]
Marathon Results]
Race Records]

Japanese Application

Big Island International  Marathon Association

Wayne “Big Dog” Joseph
Executive Director and Race Coordinator

P.O. Box 11211
Hilo, HI 96721

Tel 808.969.7400
Fax 808.966.9407


Click for Hilo, Hawaii Forecast
Hilo, Hawaii 

"Dinner Part and Hula Show"
(Click for Menu)
6:00 PM
on Friday!
March 16, 2012

$20 or $25 at door


Hilo Hawai’ian Hotel in
Hilo, Hawaii

(Click Here for the
Discounted Advanced
Registration Form)
(86 KB Word Document)

Health & Fitness
Expo and Packet Pick Up
Noon to 6 pm
on Saturday!
March 17, 2012

2005 Race

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