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Japanese Application
Big Island International Marathon Association
Wayne “Big Dog” JosephExecutive Director and Race Coordinator
P.O. Box 11211Hilo, HI 96721
Tel 808.969.7400Fax 808.966.9407
e-mail:[email protected]
Hilo, Hawaii
"Dinner Part and Hula Show"(Click for Menu)6:00 PMon Friday!March 16, 2012
$20 or $25 at door
Hilo Hawai’ian Hotel inHilo, Hawaii
(Click Here for theDiscounted AdvancedRegistration Form)(86 KB Word Document)
Health & FitnessExpo and Packet Pick UpNoon to 6 pmon Saturday!March 17, 2012
2006 Race
[Home] [2012 Entry Form] [Runner Information] [Course Map] [2008 Race] [2007 Race] [2006 Race] [2006 Photo's] [3.1 Mi Run/Walk] [10.8 Mi Results] [Marathon Results] [Summary of Race] [2005 Race] [Race Records] [Sponsors]
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